The viewing conditions last night were not ideal, a lot of moisture in the atmosphere giving the sky a murky appearance. With the Moon not rising until 11pm I decided to point the camera at the Veil Nebula. This object … Continue reading
Well the other night the Sky was a little too murky for any sensible Deep Sky imaging so I rested the camera on the Fence and took a few photos of the Moon at 500mm.
These 2 Nebula are located very Close to alpha Cygni (Deneb) the most famous star in the constellation Cygnus. These two objects span some 3.7 degrees of sky and in dark sky regions can be easily seen using a good … Continue reading
After quite a long break from imaging and a lot of fiddling I have dusted off the camera and AstroTrac mount. Last night the conditions over Southampton were not too bad with only occasional broken cloud. The setup for the … Continue reading
Over the past months I have had to re-evaluate my imaging set up which has resulted in me getting an AstroTrac TT320X-AG. This has come due to a number of factors, firstly I only have a small garden 3.5m x 8m … Continue reading
Last night I managed to test my new CLS-CCD EOS clip filter on my modded 350D. With a fantastically clear sky although pretty well moon lit I setup my ETX105EC which I piggybacked the 350D to. The ETX105 does not … Continue reading
Around these parts we have been suffering with a lot of cloud and patch clear skies. I took the chance to have a brief play pointing my camera at Cygnus using a 28mm M42 lens with a CLS filter attached … Continue reading
Well it has to be said I am quite pleased with how everything went tonight. The equipment behaved well although I do need to make a small modification to the scope to allow the dec to take the weight of … Continue reading
Recently I have spent a little time getting a basic imaging setup sorted out so that I am able to use one of my smaller telescopes as a guide scope for when I wish to image using my modified Canon … Continue reading
First thing this morning I made a visit to the New Forest Observatory (NFO) which is operated my Prof. Greg Parker. This was for a Party being held there to celebrate the first light of the new mini-wasp observatory setup. … Continue reading