Around these parts we have been suffering with a lot of cloud and patch clear skies. I took the chance to have a brief play pointing my camera at Cygnus using a 28mm M42 lens with a CLS filter attached to the rear. Today because of the unpredictable skies I only used my Static tripod and took 12 30 second subs along with a flat and dark. Stacked using Deep Sky Stacker and a small amount of stretching. I am not going to do much more to this image as it was only a test I will take alot more time, care and attention with the guided images.
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Waxing Gibbous Moon
12 days oldDaily Sunrise/Sunset
Current Time 04:36
Current Event Night Time
Astronomical Twilight starts 06:22
Nautical Twilight starts 07:00
Civil Twilight starts 07:39
SUNRISE 08:13 SUNSET 18:03
Civil Twilight ends 18:38
Nautical Twilight ends 19:17
Astronomical Twilight ends 19:55
Netley Abbey, Hampshire, UKWeather
No current observations available