LX200 gets a dusting off at the Curdridge Observatory

Time has passed and it is to say the least early 2011…. Time passes very quickly….. The observatory construction plans have somewhat been delayed due to two main factors 1 being poor weather for building a decent structure and 2 lack of expendable cash for materials. In the next few weeks I hope to resolve the financial side of things. However I have been imaging using the 350D Astro modded camera. I must admit I am very happy with the results and I will be uploading my processed images tomorrow.

I do need to do a couple of things to my basic setup 1 being a crayford style micro-focusser and the second a par focal focus / guide camera for long exposures over 30 seconds.

I will control the 350D using a USB controlled microcontroller so that I can do bulb exposures over 30 seconds.

Right I have images to process so I will get back to this tomorrow.

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