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Waning Gibbous Moon
19 days oldDaily Sunrise/Sunset
Current Time 00:47
Current Event Night Time
Astronomical Twilight starts 06:47
Nautical Twilight starts 07:26
Civil Twilight starts 08:07
SUNRISE 08:44 SUNSET 17:25
Civil Twilight ends 18:03
Nautical Twilight ends 18:43
Astronomical Twilight ends 19:22
Netley Abbey, Hampshire, UKWeather
No current observations available
Tag Archives: meade-lx200-classic-observatory-computer-ups
Day 2 & 3 Meade LX200 Classic Observatory Computer and UPS
19/08/2010 Okay I have not managed to get any further with the building part of the Observatory but I have not been sat about not doing anything. I have found a suitable computer to run all the hardware in the … Continue reading